
Below you will find a list of our current (and upcoming) products.

ZMM, enables integration to your Mattermost instance straight from z/OS.
Our product has two features, one to forward selected messages to selected channels in Mattermost, the other to send ‘free format’  text from a batch job into any Mattermost channel.
Find out more on the ZMM Product Page

ZSS will forward selected messages from your hardcopy log to Splunk. Enabling you to get some fast insights into your Mainframe Operations.


Find out more on our ZSS Product Page

OAS will take selectable spool-output (based on FORM, DEST and CLASS) and send those over to either the local USS filesysytem or an FTP location you configure.


OAS is currently in the final phase of development testing.

ZUF will monitor selected USS files and folders and forward these to Splunk.

We are currently still developing ZUF. Want to find out more? contact us.